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We pledge to promote safe, affordable, and accessible clean transportation for everyone in the Northwest.

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We believe we can all arrive green and transition to cleaner, cheaper, faster, and safer transportation. Every business and every person can make a meaningful difference in our collective effort for clean and equitable transportation.

  For businesses  

1. Promote arrive green to encourage people to arrive safe, clean, fast, and low-carbon or carbon-free. Use PSAs, social media, and other forms of communication. Make it fun and cool to arrive green. 

2. Provide financial and other incentives to community members, fans and visitors to arrive green. There are lots of ideas ranging from showing your sports ticket to allow a free transit ride to showing your transit ticket and getting a voucher for reduced food and beverage costs at the venue. For season ticket holders or members of the zoos or aquariums or other cultural institutions, raffle off an electric vehicle or E-scooter to people that show a transit pass or some other form of proof they arrived green, entering them into the raffle.

3. Provide safe, affordable, and easy to access options for clean modes of transportation. Have state-of-the-art EV charging infrastructure, bike racks, and other tools for people that choose to come using these modes to put them somewhere safe and convenient.

4. Advocate for strong public policy to break down barriers to clean and equitable transportation, including safe and connected transit, bike and pedestrian infrastructure so patrons will have comfortable low-carbon and carbon-free transportation options.

5. Provide incentives for your employees to arrive green. There are a variety of tools, including free or subsidized transit passes, and accessible and plentiful bike and EV infrastructure.

6. Flip your fleet, transitioning your cars, delivery trucks, buses, and other forms of transport from gasoline to electric.

7. Support alternatives to business travel that advance the transition to a cleaner transportation economy, such as committing to airlines that use sustainable aviation fuels.

8. Tell your story. Make it public: use social media, use signage, make a video, do creative things at your facility.

  For individuals  

1. Commit to commute to events carbon-free or low-carbon: bike, walk, carpool, use transit, drive an EV.

2. Promote arrive green by using social media or other forms of communication to show that you have arrived green. For ideas and to further your commitment, choose your Next 5 here.

3. Take action where you work or learn. Ask your business or school to make arrive green commitments, including offering free or subsidized transit passes or installing accessible and abundant bike and EV infrastructure. If you work at a business that has a fleet of vehicles, advocate for flipping the fleet away from gasoline and toward electric.

4. Support alternatives to personal travel that advance the transition to a cleaner transportation economy, such as using airlines that use sustainable aviation fuels.

​If you are a business or individual who wants to make a commitment to Clean & Equitable Transportation, we can help.


Join our mailing list and we'll keep you posted on efforts and celebrations (big and small).

The cause is just.
The need is great.

The time is now.


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The Wave Foundation is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

© 2022 by The Wave Foundation. 

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